How to budget for your company's incentive travel plan

How to budget for your company’s incentive travel plan

budget for your incentive travel plan in italy
Written by Angela

A viral story made the rounds recently, about a solopreneur who set aside a sizeable chunk of his profits during the year and used it to go on a luxurious summer holiday. Nothing unusual about that, except for the fact that he did that after appointing himself “employee of the year” and then claimed the whole cost of the holiday as work-related expenses, filing it under “travel incentives”. Now, the story itself, like most viral threads, may or may not be true and it is certainly meant to be funny, but if you stop and think about it, it makes a lot more sense than one would think upon reading it. After all, there’s no shortage of self-help posts and books that maintain you should reward yourself, treat yourself and invest in things that make you happy, to stay productive and motivated. And if you agree that rewards are powerful motivators, why shouldn’t you make sure your employees get them? Now, this is where most small and medium entrepreneurs hesitate: certain rewards may seem too costly for all but the largest corporations. If you know how to budget, however, it’s relatively easy to craft a great incentive travel plan for your team. Here are our pro-tips.

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Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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