How to manage your brand in a crisis - Il blog di Smart Eventi

How to manage your brand in a crisis

how to manage your brand in a crisis
Written by Angela

Our health comes before profit in every way, shape or form. For many companies, however, the Covid-19 crisis is not about loss of profit: it may be a matter of life and death. Of course, all the major brands will be ok: nobody expects Coca Cola to have to close up shop because of the Coronavirus. Smaller brands and companies, however, may have a harder time bouncing back after the abrupt halt that this crisis has brought about. The inevitable loss of profit, which is already happening, will combine with the devastating impact of a fragile market and the clamour of thousands of brands trying to climb back to their former positions – which could be unattainable. How do we face this?

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Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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