How Italian immigrants shaped the world as you know it - Il blog di Smart Eventi

How Italian immigrants shaped the world as you know it

italian immigrants
Written by Angela

There are currently over 5 million Italian citizens living abroad, while the descendants of Italian migrants from past generations rank in the tens of millions. The stereotypical idea of the Italian immigrant of the late XIX and early XX century has been gradually overthrown by a whole new brand of citizens of the world, multilingual and highly educated, travelling the world to improve their working opportunities, start enterprises or simply out of millennial wanderlust. Over the past decade, the number of Italians living abroad has increased by an impressive 49%, with a slight majority of Italian expats living in Europe (Germany currently being the preferred destination) and about 40% in America. Contrary to past waves of emigration, this expanding phenomenon is not resulting in more Little Italies cropping up in major cities: integration and entrepreneurship seem to be the keywords nowadays. According to Expat Insider (2015) nearly half the Italian expats currently living abroad speaks at least four languages and nearly 60% are proficient in their host country’s language. It is nigh on impossible to get an accurate picture of the Italian community abroad and this is mostly due to the fact that there is no such thing as an “Italian community”, so much as a myriad of Italian communities constantly dissolving and reforming while assimilating elements of their hosting culture. What makes the phenomenon of Italian emigration so diverse and relevant? The answer might be too complex for a blog post and might require a full-scale essay, but we can try and venture a few guesses.

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Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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