3 amazing must-read books to inspire your next trip to Italy

3 must-read books to inspire your next trip to Italy

books about italy
Written by Angela

You can have the rest of the world if I can have Italy,” said Giuseppe Verdi, who is one of many Italian icons and a perfect example of the Italian character at its finest. The biggest mistake made by newly-arrived expats in Italy is not realising that globalisation may well be ubiquitous, but cultural differences still exist and have to be respected and enjoyed in equal measure. If you want to live and work in Italy, or simply do business or spend time in this beautiful Country without feeling like a perpetual tourist, it will take more than remembering to not put cream in your carbonara. And if you don’t know where to start, we suggest you read these amazing and diverse books, that will help you understand and appreciate Italian culture.

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Informazioni sull'autore


Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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