3 tips to plan a successful virtual conference - Il blog di Smart Eventi

3 tips to plan a successful virtual conference

virtual conference
Written by Angela

How has your workplace changed over the past two years? We are prepared to bet you had to learn a few new skills and get accustomed to different ways of interacting with your colleagues and clients. If your company regularly hosts conferences and meetings, they have probably been moved online and you might have had to experiment with virtual events. How did you get on? How comfortable are you interacting in a fully digital environment? Many companies have now hired professionals to deal specifically with the organisation and management of virtual events. Some have outsourced this task and some are trying to manage it by reskilling or upskilling their team members. Have you tried to organise a virtual conference or are you planning to do so in the future? Then this guide is for you!

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Informazioni sull'autore


Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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