Serve these 4 Italian cocktails at your business event - Italian Business Tips

Serve these 4 Italian cocktails at your business event

Italian Cocktails
Written by Angela

We all know that Italian food is delicious, and those of us who appreciate a good vintage also know there’s much to be said for Italian wines too. But what about Italian cocktails? This might be news to some, but Italy has a great tradition of drink-mixing. This should hardly be surprising: when it comes to ways of enjoying life, whether it’s eating, drinking, making music or creating art, Italians can be trusted to have researched the subject and contributed a few inventions or recipes. Not unlike food recipes, Italian cocktails are generally the product of regional taste and experimentation. There is, however, one tradition that has spread from the North to the whole Country and that is starting to become popular abroad as well: the aperitivo. The Italian word for “pre-dinner drinks” has become a universally accepted way of referring to a moment of self-indulgent relax, usually accompanied by alcoholic drinks, preceding a meal. If you are planning on giving an Italian twist to your next corporate event, you might want to try one or all of these Italian cocktails.

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Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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