It is always weirdly flattering to be told by someone that they love your Country. We all take pride in elements of our respective national identities over which we have absolutely no control. As an Italian, I am used to the fact that compliments of this nature will, sooner or later involve food to some extent. We might be discussing the benefit of the mediterranean diet or the simple pleasure of a properly baked pizza and eventually it will be clear that we perceive our own cuisine very differently from everyone else. For instance, I have had friends visiting Italy in August and order lasagna in a seaside restaurant, much to the puzzlement of the restaurant staff, or reminisce about the delicious Panettone they tasted on their last holiday and expect to find one at the local supermarket. Italian food abroad is mostly seen as a crystallised whole, with a few fixed distinguishing features. The truth is much more complex. We have already offered you a few examples of the regional differences that make Italian cuisine so rich and varied, now it seems like the right time to talk about seasonal recipes. Italy enjoys a mediterranean summer, ranging from sultry to cool, suited to lighter and less complicated recipes than those popular in winter. If you are visiting Italy over the summer, you might want to try these 7 recipes.
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