Italian business culture: what you need to know before moving to Italy

Italian business culture: what you need to know before moving to Italy as an entrepreneur

italian business culture
Written by Angela
Living and working in another country can be a refreshing and at times humbling experience. More than a few Italians in Germany, for instance, may have giggled when the national radio aired a short piece about the complex psychological reasons that drive some people to move their hands and even arms (the nerve!) while talking on the phone, despite the fact that the person they are talking to can’t see them. What does this tell us? Basically that, despite the fears that globalisation would flatten out cultural differences, our upbringing and social environment still have an influence on our behaviour and we have not turned into an army of clones. This is good news, but it can still lead to a few misunderstandings when interacting on a professional level with people who come from different backgrounds. If you have been working in Italy or with Italian partners, you might have experienced differences from your own way of doing things and you might have been surprised, amused, or taken aback. What do you need to know about Italian business mentality, before you approach your new potential Italian clients or look for a business partner in Italy?
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Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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