Made in Italy exports are flourishing: set up your business now - Il blog di Smart Eventi

Made in Italy exports are flourishing: set up your business now

italian exports
Written by Angela

If you ever considered starting a business, importing Italian goods into your own country, now might be a right time to put your plan into action. According to the Italian Trade Agency, the Italian export market is set to blow past the 50bn € mark by the end of the year, thanks to the undisputed excellence of Italian exports. Italian industries have managed to stay competitive on international markets without ever compromising on the quality of their products. There are of course consolidated exports, fields in which Italy has established a name of itself and what could be called a national brand identity, to the point that Italian products in certain fields are automatically considered to be better than their equivalents from other countries. This is the case with several food and agricultural products, industrial design and fashion brands, textiles and wine. There are also industrial sectors, such as the high-tech and aerospace ones, in which Italy is growing a reputation for itself, or rather rebuilding one that had been established in before and immediately after WWII. How do Italian exports currently work? Along which channels do they travel and what products are leading them? Here’s a quick overview.

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Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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