How to spot an authentic Italian restaurant - Il blog di Smart Eventi

How to spot an authentic Italian restaurant

table pasta authentic italian restaurant
Written by Angela

As an Italian expat and frequent international traveller, I often find myself having the food conversation with a non-Italian friend. Such conversation usually ends with my friend eagerly suggesting we eat at their favourite Italian place in town, “so you can tell me if it’s really authentic“. This is where I start to get nervous of hurting my friend’s feelings, because nine times out of ten, we will not end up eating in an authentic Italian restaurant. And I do know we Italians tend to be excessively particular about food and about our own cuisine: I am not saying international variations on our traditional recipes can never taste good (to someone else). But if you actually ask an Italian person whether the random Bella Napoli Pizza & Kebab place round the corner is a bona fide, authentic Italian restaurant, then I’m sorry, but the answer is probably no. It may still serve you a delicious meal, but it will be an American meal, an English meal, a German meal, an Egyptian meal or a meal from whatever the chef’s Country of origin happens to be. Here are 6 fool-proof ways of telling when your favourite authentic Italian restaurant is a fake.

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Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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