Italy is moving towards sustainable mobility - Il blog di Smart Eventi

Italy is moving towards sustainable mobility

Written by Angela

There is little doubt that mobility as we knowing is on the brink of change. Such change, whatever shape it takes, is going to be momentous and to affect every aspect of our lives, from how we commute to work to how we travel for leisure. Having lagged behind in this respect for a few years, Italy is finally joining the sustainable mobility revolution, with several cities launching programs for electric micro-mobility aimed at both residents and tourists. Italy’s long-lasting love story with cars is the result of a combination of reasons: from lack of infrastructure and public transport options to an ingrained diffidence towards new technologies and an unwillingness to let go of old habits and traditions. In recent years, however, most of the population appears to have developed an interest in sustainable alternatives to traditional mobility, either out of genuine concern for global warming or because such alternatives are now more affordable, easier to use and cheaper to maintain – which, at a time when the price of oil is unstable, to say the least, is no small consideration. That’s why a number of Italian cities and regions have embraced sustainable mobility.

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Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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