Sustainable tourism is the way forward. Some go as far as to say that it should be the only way forward. As the industry as a whole emerges from what could well be called the worst crisis in living memory (with a financial impact even greater and more devastating than that of 9/11), a new philosophy of travelling seems to be gaining traction. Sustainable tourism is set to be the polar opposite of mass tourism: rather than consuming globalised experiences, travellers are invited to explore their destinations at a more relaxed pace, to be more aware of the impact their presence has on the environment, and to respect and appreciate local communities, traditions, and customs. This way of travelling is about taking some time to get to know a place, to absorb its characteristics, to become familiar with different cultures. It’s about seeing less, but understanding it better. This trend, which is becoming increasingly popular, could finally push the entire industry towards sustainability – and some say it was about time this happened.
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