… Along came Vespa - the past and future of Italy's famous two-wheeler - Il blog di Smart Eventi

… Along came Vespa – the past and future of Italy’s famous two-wheeler

vespa brand made in italy
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It may be a truth accepted by most of us that Italy is the land of many wonders: food, fashion, history, art, natural beauty, and a wide range of industries that have turned the “Made in Italy” brand a trademark in the world. Glorious past, centuries-old traditions, religious fervour and creative genius… In Italy, beauty and la dolce vita have always found a way to harmonically collide to generate admired and appreciated masterpieces. One such example of Made in Italy is, of course, Vespa. Living strong for 72 years and counting, the two-wheeler Vespa (the “Wasp”, for its engine’s buzz), unconsciously revolutionized the life of the Post-WWII Italy by reshaping social dynamics; developing equality (where the rich and the poor, men and women alike became free to enjoy their emancipation, independence and free time like never before); and lastly paving the way to the Italian economic boom of late Fifties.

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