What the Covid-19 pandemic taught us about streaming events

What the Covid-19 pandemic taught us about streaming events

Written by Angela

What are we learning about streaming events? This unique time in human history is creating a new normal, as fewer and fewer of us expect to return to the world as we knew it. Have we learned anything through our quarantine days? One thing we know for sure: a lot of those meetings could indeed have been emails. Forced to re-evaluate which activities demand the physical presence of several people in the same room, we had to acknowledge that, if talking is the main activity to be performed during a meeting, then there is no real reason for that meeting not being a conference call. It’s too early to tell how this knowledge will affect the future of events, conferences, trade shows, and business gatherings, but we can confidently say things will change. And not just because we are now wary of approaching our fellow humans, but also because we are re-evaluating which meetings and events need to be planned and held in person and which can more effectively be conducted remotely.

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Informazioni sull'autore


Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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