Berlin Pizza Academy: interview with Gianluca Simonato - Il blog di Smart Eventi
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Berlin Pizza Academy: interview with Gianluca Simonato

accademia pizzaioli
Written by Angela

Pizza. Can you believe we haven’t written a full post exclusively about pizza yet? Pizza appears to be Italy’s passport around the world and it is one of those few instances in which national pride trumps national stereotype every time.While being quintessentially Italian, pizza is also global. In fact, it is hard to imagine a more universally celebrated type of food. The art of pizza making, like all things, is best learnt from the professionals and Berlin currently boasts the world’s biggest school of pizza. We interviewed Gianluca Simonato, whose job it is to train scores of future “pizzaioli” in the ancient art of making flour, yeast, salt and water taste like paradise. The Berlin Pizza Academy is an internationally recognised institution and it has maintained its unmistakeably Italian character, while growing in and adapting to an international environment.

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Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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