CHILI: the Italian streaming site taking on Netflix - Il blog di Smart Eventi

CHILI: the Italian streaming site taking on Netflix

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Written by Angela
Could a non-subscription service hope to compete with giants such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu? The founders at Chili, the new Italian streaming platform, think so. “But how are they going to make money?”, I hear you ask. Chili’s business model is based entirely on pay-per-view. And, while the sceptics point out that pay-per-view never really took off, despite several services trying it from back in the days of cable TV, Chili’s team still has a positive model to look up to. They aim at emulating the success of Rakuten, a Spanish streaming platform that racked up millions in Japanese investments.
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Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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