4 creative seeding tips to make influencers fall in love with your brand

4 creative seeding tips to make influencers fall in love with your brand

Written by Angela

What is creative seeding? It is a common practice in influencer marketing and it consists of sending a selection of products to influencers, journalists, and bloggers, to increase media coverage for your brand. In these hard and unusual times, when IRL events are hard to plan and even banned in some areas, we have used this technique a lot, for our Smart Press Days, to reach the industry press representatives who are best placed to promote our customers’ products. This is what creative seeding is all about: you “seed” your products and watch social media posts, articles, and engagement “grow”. This allows you to build excellent relationships with media representatives, who never fail to appreciate a well-packaged gift. Today we would like to share with you the 4 key points of an effective creative seeding campaign.

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Informazioni sull'autore


Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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