Digital nomads in Italy: what you need to know - Il blog di Smart Eventi

Digital nomads in Italy: what you need to know

digital nomads in Italy
Written by Angela
Italy is an increasingly attractive destination for digital nomads from all over the world. It combines relatively cheap cost of living and mostly mild weather with good facilities, excellent quality of life, internationally-acclaimed food and – most importantly – widespread and workable Wi-Fi. Italian cities rank consistently high on online resources for digital nomads such as NomadList and even small towns and remote provinces are experiencing and increased influx of international travellers. If you are a digital nomad and want to spend a few months in Italy, you should be aware that this is an extremely diverse Country and that, depending on the lifestyle you are aiming for, you should choose different destinations. Check out our tips for digital nomads in Italy!
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Informazioni sull'autore


Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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