Hidden treasures - special: the best beaches in Italy - Il blog di Smart Eventi
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Hidden treasures – special: the best beaches in Italy

Written by Angela

If you visit Italy in the hottest months of the year and you head for the Country’s major cities, such as Rome, Venice or Milan, you will be met with a completely different scenario than you would at any other time. Two things are likely to strike you immediately: the first will be the heat. Most Italian metropolitan areas over the summer reach temperatures that make it unwise to be outdoors at any time between approximately 9 am and 8 pm. The second fact that you are bound to notice, particularly if you were hoping for chances to practice your Italian, is that locals are harder than usual to come by. This should not surprise you. Italy boasts nearly 7500 km of coastline (almost 4700 miles), which means that, wherever you are, you will never find yourself too far away from the sea. Because of this, on a normal summer weekend, most cities witness a full scale exodus, with thousands of people flocking to the seaside to find respite from the stifling heat. If you do visit over the summer, therefore, take a leaf out of the locals’ book and head straight for the beach. Beware though: choosing the wrong beach for your taste can make or brake your holiday. Are you after the lively, 24-hour-dj-set, bucket-sized-mojito experience or are you looking for a quiet place, where natural beauty reigns supreme and human encounters are kept to a minimum? For the first option, just open any standard local guide and you will be directed to the most popular establishments in your area. If the latter option sounds more like you, feel free to keep reading.

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Informazioni sull'autore


Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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