Pick a venue that’s easy for everyone to get to
When selecting a venue, you should consider its accessibility. To make your employees’ lives easier, choose a place that has plenty of parking available and easy access by public transport. Your ideal venue will be located near bus stops or tram stations and not too far from the train station if your employees live in different towns around the main city area. Parking can be an issue at some locations so make sure you account for this in advance.
If you are running an environmentally aware company and your employees tend to cycle to their destinations in the city, try to find a restaurant that offers secure storage options for bikes so employees can park their vehicles safely when they arrive at the event venue. Finally, consider accessibility for wheelchair users and, overall, make sure you host an inclusive event!
Select the perfect venue for your company dinner
Picking the right venue, however, is not just about parking and bus stops. The venue is the most important part of your company dinner. Your employees will remember the location more than anything else, so it’s important to choose a place that has the perfect atmosphere, is comfortable and suits your company culture.
If you want to make sure everyone feels valued, look into an exclusive event space that’s affordable and has enough room for all of your employees.
A corporate event space is an important part of your company culture. It’s a place where employees can bond over shared experiences, celebrate successes and get excited about the future together. There are many different types of spaces to choose from, ranging from banquet halls to outdoor venues: it all depends on the effect you are hoping to achieve.
Choose a theme
The power of themed events is terribly underrated. In our experience, in fact, having a theme will make your company dinner instantly more engaging and interesting! You will want to choose a theme that is relevant to your business or organization, but also something that resonates with your employees. This helps create a sense of camaraderie and will make them feel like they have an investment in the event. Don’t worry if you can’t think of anything right away; you can always ask for suggestions from team members later on in the process.
Start planning!
The next step is figuring out what type of event you want to host. Do you want a sit-down dinner with speeches and entertainment? Or would a more casual barbecue be more fitting for your group?
Once you’ve decided on a theme and type of event, it’s time to get started with planning!
The first thing you will want to do is send out invitations. This will give everyone enough time to plan their schedules around the event and also allows you to get a better idea of how many people will be attending. If you’re hosting a dinner, make sure that there are enough tables available for all those who RSVP’d yes! For more casual events like barbecues or picnics, consider renting tables and chairs from local businesses and use a catering service.
When it comes to seating arrangements, there’s one golden rule to bear in mind: you don’t want employees who don’t know each other very well sitting together at one table while everyone else goes off in their own little groups – so think about how many people you want there, then choose seating arrangements accordingly.
Need the perfect venue for your corporate dinner? Call us today!
Choose a menu you know will delight your employees’ taste buds
As the host of your company dinner party, it’s important that you choose a menu that will delight your employees’ taste buds. This means considering their preferences and accommodating dietary restrictions. It also means making sure there is variety in the menu—no one wants to be stuck with a meal they don’t like! As the host of your company dinner party, it’s important that you choose a menu that will delight your employees’ taste buds. This means considering their preferences and accommodating dietary restrictions. It also means making sure there is variety in the menu—no one wants to be stuck with a meal they don’t like! To make it a truly unique food experience.
If you run a large company, consider sending out a form well in advance, asking your employees about dietary restrictions and preferred options, even before you settle on a venue.
If you run a large company, consider sending out a form well in advance, asking your employees about dietary restrictions and preferred options, even before you settle on a venue.
Time it right
Make sure to plan your company dinner with care. The timing of the event can make or break it. Here are a few things to consider:
- Don’t schedule it too early in the year, as people may still be getting their bearings and not be in the right headspace for a nice meal with coworkers yet. The same goes for scheduling it at the end of summer, before everyone has settled into their fall routines; they will probably be too stressed out by then to enjoy themselves fully.
- Try having your company dinner somewhere like April or May (when spring has sprung), September or October (when summer has cooled off), or even January or February (when holiday celebrations are over).
- Don’t schedule this kind of event right after any major holidays—New Year’s Eve is usually avoided because people tend to feel drained from all their festivities and aren’t looking forward to another party at work!
Connect with your employees
The most important part of a company dinner is getting to know your employees better. Sure, you’re probably already familiar with the people who are on the same level as you in the company hierarchy. But what about everyone else?
Depending on how big your team is, it may be difficult for some employees to get out of their comfort zone and mingle with people they don’t regularly work with. A company dinner can help bridge that gap by giving everyone an opportunity to relax and enjoy themselves outside of work. The best way to do this is by having a good time without worrying about being too serious or professional—make it more of a social event than a business meeting!
Make sure that everyone feels welcome at this event, regardless of their position in the organization. This means inviting not only those who report directly to you but also anyone else who works near them or deals regularly with them through other channels.
If you’re looking for ways to improve your company culture and get your employees to feel more engaged with each other, then organizing a company dinner event may be the perfect solution. The key to making sure that it works is planning ahead and having clear goals in mind from the beginning.
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