Hybrid work: where do we stand? A Google Workspace survey - Il blog di Smart Eventi
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Hybrid work: where do we stand? A Google Workspace survey

lavoro ibrido hybrid work
Written by Angela

In October 2021, Google Workspace commissioned a global survey on the current state of hybrid work from Economist Impact. What are the challenges and new opportunities related to the development of this new resource and boosted by the changes brought about by the pandemic?

More than 75% of respondents are certain that hybrid or flexible work is likely to become the working standard over the next three years. 70% of them also stated that they never worked remotely before the pandemic and this is further indication that this model may become dominant. Does that mean that the road ahead is entirely downhill? Obviously not.

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Publisher and co-founder of the communication agency Fiore & Conti Gbr. She lives and works in Berlin.

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