Metaverse and brands: an ever-stronger union - Il blog di Smart Eventi
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Metaverse and brands: an ever-stronger union

Written by Lucia Conti
The Metaverse is not a new concept, but it is a growing trend that is inspiring many brands and attracting significant investment. The idea of connecting the physical and digital worlds is no longer just an idea, but a business strategy.

Several companies have given substance to this vision, participating in a trend that begins with a new way of conceiving virtual events and progresses to a 360° approach to the metaverse. In this post, we will look at major brands that have implemented specific strategies in this direction.

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Which brands are gravitating toward the metaverse?


As is well known, Mark Zuckerberg rebranded Facebook as Meta in 2021, stating that he wanted to make his social network more of a meeting place for individuals and a business hub for businesses. He also announced the release of the Presence Platform, a development platform aimed at fleshing out the Metaverse and enabling new mixed reality experiences with the Oculus Quest 2 visor. Will it be successful?


Disney’s metaverse, on the other hand, presents itself in a unique manner. Rather than transforming reality into a purely virtual dimension, it positions itself as a link between the physical and digital world, providing a highly immersive virtual experience that does not require the use of AR visualisation devices.

The company filed a patent in December 2021 for a virtual simulator capable of reproducing one of its well-known theme parks in 3D. Will 2022 be the year when Disney puts the finishing touches to its own metaverse concept?

Warner Bros

Warner Bros took the ‘In the Heights‘ presentation party to the metaverse, rebuilding the Washington Heights neighbourhood on the gaming platform Roblox and allowing attendees to enjoy interviews and special content, including a tutorial created by the film’s choreographer.

Hyundai Motor Company

Hyundai Motor Company has launched Mobility Adventure, which allows users to experience new mobility solutions in the form of customisable avatars on Roblox. Users can also interact in new and interesting ways with one another.

Hunday is the first car manufacturer to experiment with the Roblox metaverse, and it primarily targets users who are already familiar with virtual reality. How far will it go into the future?

Nike e Gucci

Several fashion brands have placed bets on the metaverse. Nike is one of them, having purchased the digital fashion brand RTFKT Studios, which creates collectible NFTs that only exist in virtual reality.

RTFKT is already well-known for its collaboration with 18-year-old artist ‘Fewocious,’ which resulted in the sale of approximately 600 virtual sneakers in less than six minutes, earning $3.1 million. Is this the start of a new era for the sportswear behemoth?

We then move on to haute couture with Gucci, which celebrated its centennial with the immersive ‘Garden Archetypes‘ experience and by opening the virtual doors of the ‘Gucci Garden,’ a multimedia exhibition space created on the Roblox gaming platform as well.

Avatars appeared as neutral, genderless mannequins upon entering the Gucci Garden, ready to absorb the distinctive elements of each environment visited. The concept was that of a blank canvas waiting to be coloured with new experiences.

The future is already here

The signs are clear: the metaverse is already a reality, even in business decisions. Satya Nadelia, CEO of Microsoft, recently stated how this new reality is transforming the world.

Our interactions now include an additional layer that transcends the purely physical, from entertainment to work, from the boardroom to the way we shop. A trend that is gradually and steadily influencing businesses, offerings, and the market.

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Informazioni sull'autore

Lucia Conti

Co-publisher at "Il Mitte".
Co-founder at "Fiore & Conti" communication agency.
Freelance journalist and events moderator.
She lives in Berlin but travels all over the world.

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