The Key to Visibility on LinkedIn
Being seen on social media can be a challenge, particularly on a platform thriving with over 950 million members. Given the enormous volume of interactions happening every second, earning visibility should be the first step for event managers in leveraging LinkedIn. To effortlessly grab attention amidst the crowd, well-structured and intricately crafted content are the keys.
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Exclusive insights, event recaps full of thoughtful reflections, behind-the-scenes snapshots, and expansive discussions on recent trends—those are the golden tickets to painting oneself as a seasoned, insightful, and professional event manager. Packed with practical lessons and sprinkle with personal feelings, these posts will serve as lighthouses guiding the LinkedIn crowd toward your professional shore.
The Concept of ‘Useful’ Posts
While insightful and craftily woven posts might bring eyeballs to your profile, what will charm them into engaging and possibly following for future posts is the ‘usefulness’ of your content. In the context of LinkedIn, a post is ‘useful’ when it unravels solutions to problems commonly encountered in the industry, guides through the nuances and whims of event management, or enlightens the audience with a new perspective or approach.
To succeed at being ‘useful’, it’s crucial to remember that both victories and defeats taste equally delicious when served with a side of learning. Your experience transitioning from in-person to virtual events during a pandemic year, the way you navigated time zone differences to plan a global virtual event, or how you dealt with a no-show vendor at the eleventh hour—these are far from mere stories. These are lessons in disguise, and sharing them means providing practical value to your fellow planners and entrants into the domain.
Active Engagement in LinkedIn Groups
LinkedIn groups provide an ecosystem of professionals sharing a common interest. Participation in LinkedIn groups specifically tailored for event management unearths another golden strategy for personal branding. Yet, it isn’t about simply joining and lurking in these groups. The wealth of active participation must be mined to fetch the full booty. Engaging in discussions, voicing your views, questioning the norms, or igniting debates—every chance you take to put yourself out there amplifies your professional presence and authority.
The Importance of Debate Etiquette
Debates are an avenue where professionals can demonstrate their understanding and ability to contribute value to more layered discourses. A debate isn’t simply an argument—it’s an intellectual discourse aiming to pick apart complex topics. Debating, thus, demonstrates to your fellow professionals your understanding of industry dynamics. The process of debate also allows insights from others to seep into your own perspective. Spirited debates must, however, be framed with respect, never crossing into the realm of bitter confrontations. Professionalism should be upheld as a golden standard in all interactions.
LinkedIn is, in short, an incredibly rich platform with potential even for the most established event managers and can be of great help to those who are just entering this field. Focus on increasing your visibility through thoughtful and interactive posts: you will have a powerful tool at your disposal to serve your business and professional reputation. On this social platform, in particular, it’s quality that prevails over quantity.
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