Shoppable ads: a quick and effective form of advertising - Il blog di Smart Eventi

Shoppable ads: a quick and effective form of advertising

shoppable ads
Written by Lucia Conti
One of the issues with most forms of traditional advertising is that the vendor is often unable to determine whether or not a campaign was successful. This occurs because of the lag that occurs between the promotion of a product and the conversion or purchase, whose duration can vary. While it is easy to determine whether customers have purchased or not, it is much more difficult to determine why they have done so, and whether the advertising campaign has influenced the purchase in any way. Shoppable ads, in some ways, solve this quandary by closing the gap between impression and conversion. In fact, anyone who receives a promotional message can complete the purchase right away, demonstrating the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

In some cases, the buyer can complete the transaction in one click, avoiding the need to navigate to the vendor’s website. All that is required is registration of the necessary data in the account that is being used to navigate, and the purchase of any product becomes nearly instantaneous.

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Shoppable ads have taken over digital platforms

As a result, shoppable ads are having a significant impact on promotional campaigns across all industries, as marketers worldwide adopt them as their tool of choice for most campaigns.

Ads become a part of the shopping experience in this new advertising format. The dynamic is similar to what we have been seeing for a few years, primarily on Amazon, but when we talk about the shoppable ad revolution, we’re referring to their use on platforms that aren’t designed for online shopping, like Google and most social networks, such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube.

In fact, digital platforms are increasingly becoming sales channels, and shoppable ads are key components of any truly effective commercial strategy.

Knowing the effectiveness of an ad in real-time is a dream come true for anyone involved in advertising campaigns. Although those who do not buy immediately may use shoppable ads to get an idea of the product and finalise the purchase at a later stage, even in a brick-and-mortar store, impressions can still be verified immediately.

Marketers should keep this in mind at all times, because the mechanism of this new type of ad may lead sellers to believe that a customer who has not immediately converted the impression into a purchase is lost forever. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. These advertising tools are also used to learn more about the product and often saved to finalise the purchase later.

shoppable ads

Instant shopping on TV streams

As we write, the experience of shoppable ads is still a relatively new one: they have only been available on YouTube since last summer, for instance. Nonetheless, they are being considered for inclusion in so-called over-the-top television (OTT), also known as digital television. We’re talking about subscription-based TV streaming services like Hulu, Prime Video, and Netflix.

If this were to happen, people watching a movies or shows would be able to buy products from commercial product-placements right away. The future of tv-watching could therefore comprise a combination of combining advertising and conversion, leaving behind traditional commercials once and for all.

The digital age and shoppable ads have combined the impression, research, and purchase experiences, and everything takes place in a virtual dimension that is easily accessible from a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. 

This also entails expanding the store’s physical boundaries and customer experience, just as virtual events have expanded beyond traditional venues, reaching wider audiences and breaking down geographical barriers.

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Informazioni sull'autore

Lucia Conti

Co-publisher at "Il Mitte".
Co-founder at "Fiore & Conti" communication agency.
Freelance journalist and events moderator.
She lives in Berlin but travels all over the world.

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