The endless opportunities of B2B digital events - Il blog di Smart Eventi

The endless opportunities of B2B digital events

Written by Lucia Conti
B2B events are essential and provide invaluable opportunity for anyone looking to grow their business. Trade shows, conferences, conventions, brunches, roundtables, webinars, and a slew of other social gatherings, in fact, allow businesses to both strengthen existing client relationships and generate new leads. They also provide a chance to network with other experts and take advantage of unexpected business opportunities.

This type of interaction has long been moved to the digital realm, but the value of such experiences is shifting. While the first digital events were primarily aimed at mitigating the pandemic-related crisis, they have since evolved to be successful in terms of relaunching and growing a business.

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B2B digital events: why they matter and how to make them successful

If you want to advertise and develop your business, hosting a B2B event is usually a fantastic idea. Obviously, relying on specialists in the industry is crucial to avoid wasting time and energy without getting a significant outcome.

The human factor is essential in any businesses’ success, which means that marketing tactics cannot be regarded as pure equations. As a result, you should, of course, carefully plan every step ahead of time, but you should also be able to grab profitable opportunities that may occur spontaneously as a result of such events and the human connection that ensues.

In this regard, a B2B event is frequently the point at which key contacts are formed and the firm directly exposes itself to potential clients.

Furthermore, the unique opportunities provided by B2B digital events are inextricably tied to the creativity and innovation that may be brought into play and potentially become winning factors. More and more businesses are following this trend, and even when in-person events are allowed, they are being replaced by digital ones. But what qualities are needed for a digital event to be truly rewarding?

Don’t try to “emulate” in-person events

Our first piece of advice is to avoid merely trying to recreate in-person events by  following the same logic and applying the same criteria. The digital event is a whole new experience that should be planned from beginning to end with its unique characteristics in mind. InWhen faced with this new interactive environment, you must ask yourself how it works and what works makes it work, and you must not be afraid to innovate.

Innovation, as it happens, plays a crucial part in the development of marketing strategies. Furthermore, in the events industry, innovation provides significant organizational advantages as well as the opportunity to break new ground. In the case of virtual B2B events, it is undoubtedly possible to reach a far larger audience than ever before. Personalised communication may increase consumer engagement, and connections can be built in advance and made to last much longer.

The fear that virtual interaction would be less engaging than in-person interaction is also diminishing. In this sense, things are changing at an astounding speed, and innovation is once again playing a critical role, thanks to stimulating formats, gamification dynamics, new types of chat and Q&A sessions, quizzes, and immersive virtual tours, which have proven to be extremely successful, for instance, in the real estate industry.

In summary, phygital is becoming a trend that businesses are increasingly adopting, as indicated by the tremendous growth in digital or hybrid events and the proliferation of specific platforms. As a result, anticipating change and altering the B2B experience is becoming an effective approach for not just surviving but even accelerating your business out of . It is no longer only about survival; when the pandemic changed our perception of the world, that was the only option. It is now about building a successful company or brand by capitalizing on the technical advancement brought about by this new scenario.

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Informazioni sull'autore

Lucia Conti

Co-publisher at "Il Mitte".
Co-founder at "Fiore & Conti" communication agency.
Freelance journalist and events moderator.
She lives in Berlin but travels all over the world.

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